A Neighbourly kind of partnership

In 2019, we launched an exciting partnership with Neighbourly, a B-corporation that links businesses to charitable organisations in local communities!

This partnership follows on from a successful trial in 24 stores across the South East and North East of the UK and, since August 2019, all UK stores have been included in the programme. Neighbourly links each store to local non-profit organisations in the area to collect surplus food up to 7 days a week.

Each store donates long-life products, fruit and vegetables, bakery products, and flowers that are near the end of their shelf life.

Our stores are donating to a range of good causes in the local area, from soup kitchens to children’s breakfast clubs.

If you are a local charitable organisation or know of any that could benefit from this exciting programme, please contact Neighbourly via aldi@neighbourly.com to get started!

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